Rules of the Vízitündér Pond and Holiday Park

  1. Name of the owner: Vízitüdér Vendéglátó és Szolgáltató Kft. (2724 Újlengyel, Nr. 74. Kossuth L. Str.)
  2. Opening hours: The opening hours are adapted to the events. To ensure the smooth running of the service, please make an appointment in advance.
  3. The main tasks of the Vízitündér Holiday Park:

    • To promote environmental awareness in the region
    • To provide a venue for recreational activities
    • To promote a sense of place for visitors
  4. We are not responsible for any valuables brought into or left on the site.
  5. Smoking on the lake is only allowed in designated areas!
  6. For cooking and campfires, fires may be lit in the designated outdoor fire pit.
  7. Even during a fire ban, fires may only be lit in the designated fire pits and strict accordance with fire safety regulations.
  8. In case of injuries, accidents, insect bites, especially tick and mosquito bites, please contact one of the accompanying persons (organizers).
  9. The use of insect repellent is recommended.
  10. Visitors must have the necessary first aid knowledge and equipment.
  11. The organizer cannot be held responsible for any valuable equipment (cameras, binoculars, mobile phones, consumer electronics, clothing, money, jewelry, etc.) brought onto the site. The owner or accompanying person is responsible for their safekeeping.
  12. All persons are expected to use the toilets and washrooms as intended. Please clean up after yourself!
  13. Littering on the site is FORBIDDEN! All litter must be disposed of in the litter bin.
  14. Any damage to nature, collection, or destruction of living creatures is strictly FORBIDDEN. However, their collection for scientific purposes and release after careful study may be an integral part of fieldwork by prior arrangement and is therefore permitted under controlled conditions.
  15. Live specimens may only be captured and examined by competent persons.
  16. To preserve the natural habitat of the wildlife on site, visitors should avoid noise pollution.
  17. Children are not allowed on the water without adult supervision!
  18. Visitors to the site must respect the human dignity and rights of the Park staff and, where appropriate, those accompanying them.
  19. It is strictly forbidden to bring pets (dogs, cats, etc.) into the area (except assistance dogs).
  20. All guests, tenants, and visitors are responsible for the safety and tidiness of the equipment and facilities (e.g. mechanical equipment, wooden outdoor furniture) on the fishing pond.
  21. In the event of damage to the above-mentioned items, the user of the Fishing Pond is liable for the costs arising from the damage.
  22. In case of fire please contact the fire brigade: 112 or in case of fire or burglary the manager: József Klemencz: 30/950 3844
  23. The telephone numbers to call in any case are +3630/944-7409
  24. All visitors and employees are obliged to follow the rules of the house. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt anyone from responsibility!